4 month project with Exeter City council (ECC) estates, carrying out detailed analysis of the energy data from 5 sites.
£2.2 million UK-Canada Power Forward Challenge project - 36 sites in the UK planned for deployments, Bruntwood to provide 6 buildings, 4 sit...
Vehicle-to-Grid project design along with Manchester City Council and various stakeholders to enable the large-scale deployment of bidirecti...
Feasibility and design of smart local energy system for London South Bank area, part of the Government’s Prospering from the Energy Revoluti...
£600k UK-Nigeria energy catalyst project to create a local community energy scheme in Nigeria. A school will be provided with solar PV pane...
QEnergy™ successfully secured the predictive maintenance and performance monitoring deal for Europe's largest battery storage project. This ...
A Care Home group, comprising of 22 sites and consuming 4.47 GWh of electricity, sought to lower their energy expenses by embracing advanced...
A Cheshire-based brewery aimed to become Net Zero while controlling energy costs. Seeking a solution to maximise solar energy use, minimize ...